




J-Linkソフトウエアパッケージの「J-Link Commander」コマンドラインツールからRZ/T2Mマイコンのレジスタ設定、IOメモリ空間、フラッシュROMアクセスが可能です。フラッシュローダ対応フラッシュメモリデバイスの場合は、コマンドライン操作でフラッシュ書込みも可能です。「J-Link Commander」ツール操作はすべてのJ-Link/Flasherモデル(最新版のHWバージョン)は使用可能です。



J-Link Softwareパッケージの「J-Link Commander」ツールを起動します。「connect」コマンドを実行してRZ/T2Mデバイス名「R9A07G075M2」を選択します。ターゲットインターフェースモードにSWDを選択して、デバッグクロック(例:8000kHz)を設定してデバッグポート接続を確認します。

SEGGER J-Link Commander V8.10e (Compiled Oct 30 2024 17:50:17)
DLL version V8.10e, compiled Oct 30 2024 17:47:20

Connecting to J-Link via USB...Updating firmware:  J-Link V12 compiled Oct  9 2024 10:52:31
Replacing firmware: J-Link V12 compiled Aug 22 2024 13:27:55
Waiting for new firmware to boot
New firmware booted successfully
Firmware: J-Link V12 compiled Oct  9 2024 10:52:31
Hardware version: V12.00
J-Link uptime (since boot): 0d 00h 00m 01s
S/N: 60201xxxx
License(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
USB speed mode: High speed (480 MBit/s)

Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
Please specify device / core. : R9A07G075M2
Type '?' for selection dialog
Please specify target interface:
  J) JTAG (Default)
  S) SWD
  T) cJTAG
Specify target interface speed [kHz]. : 4000 kHz
Device "R9A07G075M2" selected.

Connecting to target via SWD
ConfigTargetSettings() start
ConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 508us
InitTarget() start
Authenticated device detected. Skipping authentication process.
  OCDREG_STATUS: 0x00000001
InitTarget() end - Took 11.1ms
Found SW-DP with ID 0x6BA02477
DPIDR: 0x6BA02477
CoreSight SoC-400 or earlier
AP map detection skipped. Manually configured AP map found.
AP[0]: APB-AP (IDR: Not set, ADDR: 0x00000000)
AP[1]: APB-AP (IDR: Not set, ADDR: 0x00000000)
AP[2]: AXI-AP (IDR: Not set, ADDR: 0x00000000)
Using preconfigured AP[1] as APB-AP
AP[1]: APB-AP found
DebugRegs + CTI manually specified. ROM table scan skipped.
Cortex-R52 @ 0x80410000 (configured)
CoreCTI @ 0x80420000 (configured)
Debug architecture: ARMv8.0
8 code breakpoints, 8 data breakpoints
Processor features:
  EL0 support: AArch32
  EL1 support: AArch32
  EL2 support: AArch32
  EL3 support: N/A
  FPU support: Single + Double + Conversion
Add. info (CPU temp. halted)
Current exception level: EL1
Exception level AArch usage:
  EL0: AArch32
  EL1: AArch32
  EL2: AArch32
  EL3: AArch32
Non-secure status: Non-secure
Cache info:
  Inner cache boundary: none
  LoU Uniprocessor: 1
  LoC: 1
  LoU Inner Shareable: 1
I-Cache L1: 16 KB, 64 Sets, 64 Bytes/Line, 4-Way
D-Cache L1: 16 KB, 64 Sets, 64 Bytes/Line, 4-Way
Memory zones:
  Zone: "Default" Description: Default access mode
  Zone: "AP0" Description: MEM-AP (APB-AP)
  Zone: "AP1" Description: MEM-AP (APB-AP)
  Zone: "AP2" Description: MEM-AP (AXI-AP)
Cortex-R52 identified.


Reset delay: 0 ms
ResetTarget() start
Reset: Halt core immediately after reset using reset catch.
Authenticated device detected. Skipping authentication process.
  OCDREG_STATUS: 0x00000001
Disabled core power domain detected.
Enabling debug mode...
ResetTarget() end - Took 229ms
Device specific reset executed.
PC = 00102010
CPSR = 000001DA (AArch32, HYP mode, IRQ masked, FIQ masked, A32, Little endian)
SP (R13) = 00101FB8
LR (R14) = 0010007D
R0  = 00508620 R1  = 02FAF07F R2  = 0000A500  R3 = 80281300
R4  = 00102000 R5  = 0BB92CAF R6  = 079D51D7  R7 = 078787A8
R8  = 074759F7 R9  = 078787A8 R10 = F446D350 R11 = 00000000
R12 = E51FF004
SPSR_ABT = 00000000 SPSR_SVC = 00000000 SPSR_HYP = 000001DA
SPSR_FIQ = 00000000 SPSR_IRQ = 00000000 SPSR_UND = 00000000

「mem32」コマンドでI/Oレジスタ(32bit)のデータ読み出しを実行します。「Write4」コマンドで32-bit I/Oレジスタのデータ書き込みを確認します。

J-Link>mem32 0x80210000,1
80210000 = 00001018
J-Link>mem32 0x80210050,1
80210050 = 00000000
J-Link>Write4 0x80210050 0xA55A0019
Writing A55A0019 -> 80210050
J-Link>mem32 0x80210050,1
80210050 = 00000099
J-Link>mem 0x70000000, 100
70000000 = 00 00 00 00 00 0C DB 36  00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00  .......6........
70000010 = 00 00 00 00 4C 00 00 70  00 60 00 00 00 20 10 00  ....L..p.`... ..
70000020 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
70000030 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
70000040 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  37 38 01 00 00 00 A0 E3  ........78......
70000050 = 7F 10 0F E3 FA 12 40 E3  01 00 90 E2 01 00 50 E1  ......@.......P.
70000060 = FC FF FF 1A 83 07 0B E3  00 00 40 E3 30 0F 81 EE  ..........@.0...
70000070 = 11 1F 91 EE 80 15 81 E3  11 1F 81 EE A4 03 9F E5  ................
70000080 = 10 0F 0C EE 10 1F 1F EE  02 10 81 E3 01 10 81 E3  ................
70000090 = 4F F0 7F F5 10 1F 0F EE  6F F0 7F F5 00 00 0F E1  O.......o.......
700000A0 = 1F 00 C0 E3 13 00 80 E3  00 F3 6E E1 88 13 9F E5  ..........n.....
700000B0 = 01 F3 2E E1 6E 00 60 E1  1E FF 2F E1 60 03 9F E5  ....n.`.../.`...
700000C0 = 11 00 02 F1 00 D0 A0 E1  5C 03 9F E5 12 00 02 F1  ........\.......
700000D0 = 00 D0 A0 E1 54 03 9F E5  17 00 02 F1 00 D0 A0 E1  ....T...........
700000E0 = 4C 03 9F E5 1B 00 02 F1  00 D0 A0 E1 44 03 9F E5  L...........D...
700000F0 = 1F 00 02 F1 00 D0 A0 E1  40 03 9F E5 13 00 02 F1  ........@.......

※J-Link Commanderプロンプトから使用可能なコマンド一覧は以下URLのページからご確認ください。

CS0 Parallel NORフラッシュ書込み手順

「CS0 16-bit Parallel NOR Flash」から起動するようにRSKボードのブートモードを設定してボードに電源を入れます。

「J-Link Commander」ツールを起動し「connect」コマンドを実行してRZ/T2Mデバイスに接続します。


  • exec EnableEraseAllFlashBanks
  • erase 0x70000000 0x70020000
  • mem 0x70000000, 40
  • loadfile rsk-t2m-nor.bin 0x70000000
  • verifybin rsk-t2m-nor.bin 0x70000000
J-Link>exec EnableEraseAllFlashBanks
J-Link>erase 0x70000000 0x70020000
'erase': Performing implicit reset & halt of MCU.
ResetTarget() start
Reset: Halt core immediately after reset using reset catch.
Authenticated device detected. Skipping authentication process.
  OCDREG_STATUS: 0x00000001
Disabled core power domain detected.
Enabling debug mode...
ResetTarget() end - Took 210ms
Device specific reset executed.
Erasing selected range...
J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 1.238s (Prepare: 0.481s, Compare: 0.000s, Erase: 0.552s, Program: 0.000s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.204s)
J-Link: Flash download:
Flash sectors within Range [0x70000000 - 0x70020000] deleted.
Erasing done.
J-Link>mem 0x70000000, 40
70000000 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
70000010 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
70000020 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
70000030 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
J-Link>loadfile C:\Workspace\RZ\rsk-t2m-nor.bin 0x70000000
'loadfile': Performing implicit reset & halt of MCU.
ResetTarget() start
Reset: Halt core immediately after reset using reset catch.
Authenticated device detected. Skipping authentication process.
  OCDREG_STATUS: 0x00000001
Disabled core power domain detected.
Enabling debug mode...
ResetTarget() end - Took 233ms
Device specific reset executed.
Downloading file [C:\Workspace\RZ\rsk-t2m-nor.bin]...
J-Link: Flash download: Bank 2 @ 0x70000000: 1 range affected (131072 bytes)
J-Link: Flash download: Total: 1.245s (Prepare: 0.490s, Compare: 0.107s, Erase: 0.258s, Program: 0.110s, Verify: 0.072s, Restore: 0.206s)
J-Link: Flash download: Program speed: 1163 KB/s
J-Link>verifybin C:\Workspace\RZ\rsk-t2m-nor.bin 0x70000000
Loading binary file C:\Workspace\RZ\rsk-t2m-nor.bin
Reading 131072 bytes data from target memory @ 0x70000000.
Verify successful.

XSPI0_CS0 Serial NORフラッシュ書込み手順

XSPI0_CS0(0x60000000~)空間のQSPIフラッシュから起動するようにRSKボードのブートモードを設定してボードに電源を入れます。CN8ジャンパを(2-3ショート)に設定してQSPIフラッシュを選択します。Octal SPI(OSPI)フラッシュへの書き込みを行う場合は、CN8ジャンパを(1-2ショート)に設定します。

「J-Link Commander」ツールを起動し「connect」コマンドを実行してRZ/T2Mデバイスに接続します。


  • exec EnableEraseAllFlashBanks
  • erase 0x60000000 0x60100000
  • mem 0x60000000, 40
  • loadfile firmware.bin 0x60000000
  • verifybin firmware.bin 0x60000000
J-Link>exec EnableEraseAllFlashBanks
J-Link>erase 0x60000000 0x60100000
'erase': Performing implicit reset & halt of MCU.
ResetTarget() start
Reset: Halt core immediately after reset using reset catch.
Authenticated device detected. Skipping authentication process.
  OCDREG_STATUS: 0x00000001
Disabled core power domain detected.
Enabling debug mode...
ResetTarget() end - Took 227ms
Device specific reset executed.
Erasing selected range...
J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 5.124s (Prepare: 0.666s, Compare: 0.000s, Erase: 4.394s, Program: 0.000s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.063s)
J-Link: Flash download:
Flash sectors within Range [0x60000000 - 0x60100000] deleted.
Erasing done.
J-Link>mem 0x60000000, 40
60000000 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
60000010 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
60000020 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
60000030 = FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF  ................
J-Link>loadfile C:\Workspace\firmware.bin 0x60000000
'loadfile': Performing implicit reset & halt of MCU.
ResetTarget() start
Reset: Halt core immediately after reset using reset catch.
Authenticated device detected. Skipping authentication process.
  OCDREG_STATUS: 0x00000001
Disabled core power domain detected.
Enabling debug mode...
ResetTarget() end - Took 224ms
Device specific reset executed.
Downloading file [C:\Workspace\firmware.bin]...
J-Link: Flash download: Bank 0 @ 0x60000000: 1 range affected (1048576 bytes)
J-Link: Flash download: Total: 15.582s (Prepare: 0.367s, Compare: 3.315s, Erase: 4.169s, Program: 6.047s, Verify: 1.617s, Restore: 0.064s)
J-Link: Flash download: Program speed: 169 KB/s
J-Link>verifybin C:\Workspace\firmware.bin 0x60000000
Loading binary file C:\Workspace\firmware.bin
Reading 1043488 bytes data from target memory @ 0x60000000.
Verify successful.


RZ/T2H EV-KIT(4x Cortex-A55, 2x Cortex-R52)


RZ/G3S-EVKIT(Cortex-A55, 2x Cortex-M33)