last update: 2025/01
Demo Sample Application Folder:
Application └ _Exclude ├ USBH ..... USB Host各種クラス機能のデモサンプル
Sample | 説明 |
USBH_Printer_Start | プリンタクラスドライバのデモサンプル |
USBH_MTP_Start | USBホストのMTPクラスドライバの使用方法を示すデモサンプル |
USBH_MSD_Start | MSDクラスのデモアプリケーション(ファイルシステムが必要です) |
USBH_HID_Start | 標準HIDキーボード・マウスデバイス用デモサンプル |
USBH_FT232_Start | FTDI FT232クラスドライバのデモサンプル |
USBH_CreateInterfaceList | USBポートに接続されているデバイスのステータス及びデバイス情報をIOコンソールに表示します |
USBH_CDC_Start | USBホストのCDC-ACMクラスドライバのデモサンプル |
USBH_CCID_Start | CCID通信デバイスクラスドライバのデモサンプル |
USBH_BULK_Start | BULK(VENDOR)クラスドライバのデモサンプル |
USBH_AUDIO_ScanDevices | USBポートにAUDIOクラスデバイスが接続された時にデバイスのベンダ・コンフィグレーション情報を表示します |
USBH_AUDIO_Microphone | AUDIO(マイクロフォンデバイス)クラスドライバのデモサンプル |
BSP |- BSP_USB.c .......... ボード依存の初期化設定ファイル(USB-HOST) | |- Setup |- USBH_Config_Renesas_RX_RX65N.c ..... USB-HOSTドライバ設定ファイル Config |- USBH_Conf.h ............... コンフィグレーション設定ファイル | |- IO | |- USBH_ConfigIO.c ....... デバッグコンソールIOインターフェース設定ファイル | |- OS |- lib_embOSLayer_RXv2_L.lib ..... OSインターフェース設定ファイル
「AP-RX65N-0A」評価ボードはUSB HOSTコネクタ(CN10)及びUSBファンクションコネクタ(CN7)は実装されていますが、HOSTとデバイスファンクション機能は同時に使用できません。USBドライバプログラムから「PC1」I/Oポート設定でUSB機能をHost モードに設定します。
JSW5 SW | 「ON」側に設定(USB0ポート機能を PC1で設定する) |
JP5 | 短絡(USB機能 Host / Functionの切り替えを PC1で制御) |
PC1 設定 | USB機能 |
0 (Low) | Function・デバイスモードに設定(USBコネクタ:CN7 micro B) |
1 (High) | Hostモードに設定(USBコネクタ:CN10) |
Debug IO Console:
SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample Eval Board: AP-RX65N-0A (RX65N RXv2 @120MHz) RTOS: SEGGER embOS ------------------------------------------------ 22:091 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device added [1] 22:112 MainTask - APP: **** Device information for interface with ID 1 22:113 MainTask - APP: Device ID: 1 22:114 MainTask - APP: Vendor ID: 0x093A 22:115 MainTask - APP: Product ID: 0x2510 22:116 MainTask - APP: BCD device version: 0x100 22:117 MainTask - APP: Interface number: 0 22:118 MainTask - APP: Device class: 0x3 22:119 MainTask - APP: Device subclass: 0x1 22:120 MainTask - APP: Device protocol: 0x2 22:121 MainTask - APP: Number of open handles: 0 22:122 MainTask - APP: Exclusive state: 0 22:123 MainTask - APP: Speed: LowSpeed 22:131 MainTask - APP: Manufacturer name: PixArt 22:145 MainTask - APP: Product name: USB Optical Mouse 22:146 MainTask - APP: connected to port 1 of controller 0 35:969 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device removed [1] 36:047 MainTask - APP: No devices found. 54:310 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device added [2] 54:348 MainTask - APP: **** Device information for interface with ID 2 54:349 MainTask - APP: Device ID: 2 54:350 MainTask - APP: Vendor ID: 0x0B95 54:351 MainTask - APP: Product ID: 0x1790 54:352 MainTask - APP: BCD device version: 0x200 54:353 MainTask - APP: Interface number: 0 54:354 MainTask - APP: Device class: 0xFF 54:355 MainTask - APP: Device subclass: 0xFF 54:356 MainTask - APP: Device protocol: 0x0 54:357 MainTask - APP: Number of open handles: 0 54:358 MainTask - APP: Exclusive state: 0 54:359 MainTask - APP: Speed: FullSpeed 54:372 MainTask - APP: Manufacturer name: ASIX 54:387 MainTask - APP: Product name: AX88179A 54:405 MainTask - APP: Serial number: 04AB18FE506C 54:425 MainTask - APP: Interface description: Network_Interface 54:426 MainTask - APP: connected to port 1 of controller 0 59:626 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device removed [2] 59:627 MainTask - APP: No devices found.
Debug IO Console:
SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample Eval Board: AP-RX65N-0A (RX65N RXv2 @120MHz) RTOS: SEGGER embOS ------------------------------------------------ 0:946 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device added [0] 0:948 MainTask - APP: The following device was detected: 0:949 MainTask - APP: VendorId: 0x0781 0:950 MainTask - APP: ProductId: 0x5583 0:951 MainTask - APP: VendorName: SanDisk 0:952 MainTask - APP: ProductName: Ultra Fit 0:953 MainTask - APP: Revision: 1.00 0:954 MainTask - APP: NumSectors: 60063744 0:955 MainTask - APP: BytesPerSector: 512 0:956 MainTask - APP: TotalSize: 29328 MByte 0:957 MainTask - APP: HighspeedCapable: No 0:958 MainTask - APP: ConnectedToRootHub: Yes 0:959 MainTask - APP: SelfPowered: No 0:960 MainTask - APP: Reported Imax: 224 mA 0:961 MainTask - APP: Connected to Port: 1 0:962 MainTask - APP: PortSpeed: FullSpeed 0:964 MainTask - APP: Checking whether the volume is formatted... 0:988 MainTask - APP: Running sample on volume "msd:0:" DevIndex 0, LUN 0 0:989 MainTask - APP: Reading volume information... 0:990 MainTask - APP: **** Volume information for msd:0: 0:991 MainTask - APP: 30017184 KBytes total disk space 0:992 MainTask - APP: 29430944 KBytes available free space 0:993 MainTask - APP: 16384 bytes per cluster 0:994 MainTask - APP: 1876074 clusters available on volume 0:995 MainTask - APP: 1839434 free cluster available on volume 0:996 MainTask - APP: Creating file msd:0:\TestFile.txt... 1:021 MainTask - APP: Ok 1:022 MainTask - APP: Contents of msd:0: 1:023 MainTask - APP: TestFile.txt Attributes: A--- Size: 39 1:034 MainTask - APP: Class3 (Dir) Attributes: ---- Size: 0 1:035 MainTask - APP: Class7 (Dir) Attributes: ---- Size: 0 1:036 MainTask - APP: System Volume Information (Dir) Attributes: --HS Size: 0 1:037 MainTask - APP: 202004010511.pdf Attributes: A--- Size: 90247 1:038 MainTask - APP: document(2).pdf Attributes: A--- Size: 55413 1:039 MainTask - APP: document(3).pdf Attributes: A--- Size: 50841 1:040 MainTask - APP: **** Unmount **** 6:680 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device removed [0]
操作手順:プログラム起動してUSBポートにHID キーボード又はマウスデバイスを挿入します。マウス操作又はキーボードデバイスからキーを入力してレスポンスをログコンソールから確認します。
Debug IO Console:
SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample Eval Board: AP-RX65N-0A (RX65N RXv2 @120MHz) RTOS: SEGGER embOS ------------------------------------------------ 20:719 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device added [0] 21:958 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:010 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:085 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:129 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:148 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:215 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:243 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:495 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:555 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:567 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:595 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:598 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:633 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:644 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:656 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:660 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:672 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 22:868 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 2 22:936 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 2 22:940 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 2 23:048 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:180 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:184 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:188 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:192 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:196 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:200 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:201 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:202 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:203 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:204 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:205 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:206 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:208 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:209 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:210 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:211 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:212 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:213 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:214 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:215 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:216 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:217 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:218 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:725 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:729 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:733 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:737 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:741 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:742 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:745 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:746 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:747 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:748 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:750 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:751 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:752 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 0, WheelRel: -1, ButtonState: 0 23:753 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:754 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:755 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:756 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:757 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:760 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:780 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:783 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:843 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:847 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:851 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:855 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:856 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:857 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:858 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:859 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:860 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: -6, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:861 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:863 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: -7, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:864 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:865 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: -7, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:867 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: -7, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:868 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:869 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:870 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:871 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:873 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:874 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -9, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:875 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:876 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:877 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:878 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -7, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:879 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -9, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:880 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:881 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:882 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -7, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:883 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -9, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:884 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -7, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:885 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:886 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:888 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:889 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:890 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:891 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 7, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:892 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:893 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:894 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:896 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:897 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:898 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:899 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:900 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:901 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:902 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:903 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 8, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:904 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 8, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:905 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 9, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:906 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 10, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:907 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 12, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:908 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 12, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:909 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 13, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:911 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 15, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:912 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 10, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:913 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 8, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:915 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 7, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:916 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:917 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:918 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:919 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:920 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:922 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:923 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:924 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:925 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:926 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:927 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:928 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:929 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:931 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:932 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:933 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:934 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:935 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:936 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:937 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:938 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -11, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:939 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -16, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:940 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -14, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:941 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -14, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:942 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -15, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:943 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -12, yRel: 6, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:944 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -12, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:945 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -12, yRel: 6, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:946 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: 8, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:947 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: 8, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:948 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -6, yRel: 10, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:949 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 12, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:950 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -4, yRel: 14, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:951 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 12, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:952 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 13, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:953 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 15, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:954 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 10, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:955 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 10, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:957 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 8, yRel: 11, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:958 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 7, yRel: 8, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:959 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 10, yRel: 9, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:960 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 14, yRel: 7, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:961 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 14, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:962 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 15, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:964 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 19, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:965 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 20, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:966 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 18, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:967 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 23, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:968 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 17, yRel: -7, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:969 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 17, yRel: -9, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:970 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 13, yRel: -12, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:971 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 10, yRel: -12, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:972 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 7, yRel: -12, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:973 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 6, yRel: -18, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:974 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -13, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:975 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: -15, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:976 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: -11, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:977 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -16, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:978 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: -12, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:979 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -12, yRel: -13, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:980 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: -10, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:981 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: -8, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:982 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -11, yRel: -8, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:983 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: -5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:984 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -11, yRel: -4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:985 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:987 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -11, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:988 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -11, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:989 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -11, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:990 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -14, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:991 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -10, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:992 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -12, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:993 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -8, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:994 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -7, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:995 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -5, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:996 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:997 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 23:999 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:000 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:001 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:021 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:025 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:026 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:027 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:028 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:029 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:030 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:031 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:032 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:035 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:119 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:171 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:175 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:179 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:183 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:187 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:191 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:195 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:199 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:203 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:204 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:216 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:252 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:280 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:308 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:312 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:316 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:320 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:321 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:322 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:323 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:324 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:325 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:473 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: -1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:474 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:475 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:476 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:477 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:478 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:479 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:480 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:481 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:482 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:483 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 6, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:484 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:486 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:487 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:488 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:489 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:490 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:491 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:492 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:493 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 5, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:494 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 4, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:495 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:496 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:497 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 3, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:498 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:499 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:500 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 2, yRel: 0, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:527 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 1, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:539 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:543 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:547 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:548 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: 0, yRel: 1, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:549 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:551 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:552 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 2, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:553 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -2, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:554 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -3, yRel: 5, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:555 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 3, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0 24:556 MainTask - APP: Mouse: xRel: -1, yRel: 4, WheelRel: 0, ButtonState: 0
操作手順:プログラム起動してUSBポートにFTD UARTチップセットのUSB-UART変換アダプタデバイスを挿入します。UARTポートをパソコンに接続してTeraTermなど起動してCOMポートコンソールを開きます。COMポートコンソールから文字を入力してログコンソールからECHOレスポンスを確認します。
Debug IO Console:
SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample Eval Board: AP-RX65N-0A (RX65N RXv2 @120MHz) RTOS: SEGGER embOS ------------------------------------------------ 6:487 USBH_Task - APP: **** Device added [0] 6:514 MainTask - APP: Vendor Id = 0x0403 6:515 MainTask - APP: Product Id = 0x6001 6:516 MainTask - APP: bcdDevice = 0x0400 36:710 MainTask - APP: Received: "S" 37:555 MainTask - APP: Received: "E" 37:953 MainTask - APP: Received: "G" 38:159 MainTask - APP: Received: "G" 38:397 MainTask - APP: Received: "E" 38:538 MainTask - APP: Received: "R" 40:087 MainTask - APP: Received: " " 40:532 MainTask - APP: Received: "e" 40:706 MainTask - APP: Received: "m" 41:199 MainTask - APP: Received: "U" 41:357 MainTask - APP: Received: "S" 41:978 MainTask - APP: Received: "B" 42:456 MainTask - APP: Received: " " 42:727 MainTask - APP: Received: "H" 43:092 MainTask - APP: Received: "o" 43:266 MainTask - APP: Received: "s" 43:505 MainTask - APP: Received: "t" 44:974 MainTask - APP: Received: " " 45:419 MainTask - APP: Received: "F" 46:041 MainTask - APP: Received: "T" 46:407 MainTask - APP: Received: "D" 46:725 MainTask - APP: Received: " " 46:979 MainTask - APP: Received: "C" 47:232 MainTask - APP: Received: "l" 47:342 MainTask - APP: Received: "a" 47:660 MainTask - APP: Received: "s" 47:849 MainTask - APP: Received: "s" 48:279 MainTask - APP: Received: " "
操作手順:USB AUDIOデバイス(スピーカー・ヘッドセットなど)を挿入してプログラムを実行します。ログコンソールからAUDIOデバイスの情報を確認します。
Debug IO Console:
SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample Eval Board: AP-RX65N-0A (RX65N RXv2 @120MHz) RTOS: SEGGER embOS ------------------------------------------------ 24:910 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [0] 24:912 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [1] 24:913 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [2] 24:914 MainTask - APP: AUDIO control interface found (DevId 2): 24:915 MainTask - APP: Vendor 0B0E, Product 2505, Version 1.0 24:916 MainTask - APP: Serial: 08C8C2871344 24:918 MainTask - APP: Manuf.: 24:921 MainTask - APP: Prod. : Jabra Evolve2 50 24:922 MainTask - APP: Input terminal 1 24:923 MainTask - APP: Terminal type 101 24:924 MainTask - APP: Output terminal 3, Source 2 24:926 MainTask - APP: Terminal type 301 24:927 MainTask - APP: Input terminal 4 24:929 MainTask - APP: Terminal type 201 24:930 MainTask - APP: Output terminal 6, Source 7 24:931 MainTask - APP: Terminal type 101 24:932 MainTask - APP: Input terminal 11 24:933 MainTask - APP: Terminal type 201 24:934 MainTask - APP: Feature Unit 2, Source 14 24:935 MainTask - APP: Control channel 0, mask = 3 25:275 MainTask - APP: Volume: Cur = FFFFE800, Min = FFFFD900, Max = 600, Res = 300 25:276 MainTask - APP: Control channel 1, mask = 0 25:277 MainTask - APP: Control channel 2, mask = 0 25:278 MainTask - APP: Feature Unit 5, Source 4 25:279 MainTask - APP: Control channel 0, mask = 3 25:288 MainTask - APP: Volume: Cur = 900, Min = FFFFF400, Max = 900, Res = 300 25:289 MainTask - APP: Feature Unit 12, Source 11 25:290 MainTask - APP: Control channel 0, mask = 3 25:300 MainTask - APP: Volume: Cur = 0, Min = FFFFF700, Max = 600, Res = 300 25:301 MainTask - APP: Selector Unit 7 25:302 MainTask - APP: Input 1 = source unit 5 25:303 MainTask - APP: Selector Unit 13 25:304 MainTask - APP: Input 1 = source unit 12 25:305 MainTask - APP: Mixer Unit 14 25:306 MainTask - APP: Input 1 = source unit 1 25:307 MainTask - APP: Input 2 = source unit 12 25:308 MainTask - APP: Output channels 2, wChannelConfig = 3 25:309 MainTask - APP: Control mask[0] = 00 25:310 MainTask - APP: AUDIO streaming interface found (DevId 2): 25:311 MainTask - APP: Found streaming OUT EP on AltSetting 1 25:312 MainTask - APP: Terminal Link 1 25:313 MainTask - APP: Channels=2, Frame=2, Resolution=16 25:314 MainTask - APP: Sampling Frequencies: 25:315 MainTask - APP: 8000 Hz 25:316 MainTask - APP: 16000 Hz 25:317 MainTask - APP: 32000 Hz 25:318 MainTask - APP: 44100 Hz 25:320 MainTask - APP: 48000 Hz 25:321 MainTask - APP: AUDIO streaming interface found (DevId 2): 25:322 MainTask - APP: Found streaming IN EP on AltSetting 1 25:323 MainTask - APP: Terminal Link 6 25:324 MainTask - APP: Channels=1, Frame=2, Resolution=16 25:325 MainTask - APP: Sampling Frequencies: 25:326 MainTask - APP: 16000 Hz 74:958 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface removed [0] 74:959 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface removed [1] 74:960 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface removed [2]
操作手順:プログラム起動してUSBポートにAUDIO Microphone(マイク)デバイスを挿入します。マイクから認識された音声データはログコンソール上にバーグラーフとして表示されます。
Debug IO Console:
SEGGER Software Evaluation Sample Eval Board: AP-RX65N-0A (RX65N RXv2 @120MHz) RTOS: SEGGER embOS ------------------------------------------------ 1:905 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [0] 1:906 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [1] 1:907 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface added [2] 1:912 MainTask - APP: AUDIO device: 1:913 MainTask - APP: Vendor 2D0B, Product 0002, Version 1.0 1:927 MainTask - APP: Manuf.: IPD Korea 1:947 MainTask - APP: Prod. : IPD USB Headset 1:948 MainTask - APP: Found streaming IN, Channels=2, Frame=2, Resolution=16 1:949 MainTask - APP: Sampling Frequencies: 1:950 MainTask - APP: 8000 Hz 1:951 MainTask - APP: 16000 Hz 1:952 MainTask - APP: 24000 Hz 1:953 MainTask - APP: 32000 Hz 1:954 MainTask - APP: 44100 Hz 1:955 MainTask - APP: 48000 Hz 1:956 MainTask - APP: Configure Audio device... 1:957 MainTask - APP: SetAltInterface to 1 1:959 MainTask - APP: SetSampleFreq to 48000 Hz 1:962 MainTask - APP: Feature unit 2, Source 1 1:963 MainTask - APP: Unmute Unit 2, control 0 1:965 MainTask - APP: Get volume unit 2, control 0 1:970 MainTask - APP: Volume[0] = 0, FFFFE200, 500, 100 1:971 MainTask - APP: Set volume to maximum 1:977 MainTask - APP: Feature unit 5, Source 12 1:978 MainTask - APP: Unmute Unit 5, control 0 1:980 MainTask - APP: Get volume unit 5, control 1 1:985 MainTask - APP: Volume[1] = 500, FFFFCE00, 500, 100 1:986 MainTask - APP: Set volume to maximum 1:992 MainTask - APP: Get volume unit 5, control 2 1:997 MainTask - APP: Volume[2] = 500, FFFFCE00, 500, 100 1:998 MainTask - APP: Set volume to maximum 2:004 MainTask - APP: Feature unit 11, Source 10 2:005 MainTask - APP: Unmute Unit 11, control 0 2:007 MainTask - APP: Get volume unit 11, control 0 2:013 MainTask - APP: Volume[0] = 3B3, 0, 1000, 1 2:014 MainTask - APP: Set volume to maximum 2:020 MainTask - APP: Open streaming channel 2:021 MainTask - APP: Listening .... # # # ###### # # ##### ###### #### # ### ######### # ### # ######### # ## ##### ## ########## ######## # ##### ########## ######### # ###### #### #### # ####### ########### # ####### #### # # ########### ###### # # #### ### # ###### ### # ### ### ### ###### # ## ### # ###### ### # ## ### ##### # ## # # ########## # ### ######## # ### ## #### ###### ############# # ## ### #### ####### ### # ######## ## #### ##### ######### ## ## #### ####### ###### #### ############# ### ##### ######## ### #### ######### ## # ########## ## ### ##### # ## ###### # # ####### ## ########## # # ###### #### # # # ######### ## ##### ## # ######### ## # ##### ######## ### ### # ######### ######## # ### # # ############## # # # # ################ ## ## # # ###### ############ ## ####### # ## ####### ### # # ################ # ## # #### ########### ## # ## # ############# # # ## # ########### ####### ### ## # # ############## ## ## ## # # ############### # # ## # ############### ## # # # ## ## #### ### # ## # # # 9:767 MainTask - APP: Receive audio failed: USBH_STATUS_CANCELED 9:769 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface removed [0] 9:770 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface removed [1] 9:771 USBH_Task - APP: **** AUDIO Interface removed [2] 9:772 MainTask - APP: End